IPT UK - National Meeting 

Date: 8th November 2024

Time: 9.30 am - 4 pm

Location: Crown Plaza Hotel, 61 Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3QD

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IPT West Midlands are your hosts for the next National Meeting on Friday the 8th November at the Crowne Plaza, Solihull, West Midlands. We are pleased to be offering an exciting new area in medicine and explore how Lifestyle Medicine relates to your clinical work in IPT.     

Many of our clients who present with depression also have other long-term conditions.  Lifestyle Medicine is a new medical discipline that integrates lifestyle practices into conventional medicine to lower the risk for chronic disease, treating lifestyle causes. It is an evidence-based approach to prevent, treat and sometimes reverse lifestyle related chronic diseases and disorders.  The principles of Lifestyle Medicine are underpinned by the 6 pillars that the British Society for Lifestyle Medicine describe as: mental wellbeing, healthy relationships, physical activity, healthy eating, sleep and minimisation of harmful substances or behaviours.  

The NHS long-term plan is to move towards prevention rather than treatment. Where we are currently is not sustainable with the demand on services and waiting times for treatment increasing. Lifestyle Medicine looks at how modifiable behavioural changes can be sustained through techniques to prevent someone developing a disease, improve a prognosis and sometimes reverse it

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Guest Speakers:

  • A representative from the British Society for Lifestyle Medicine (BSLM) will give an overview of What is Lifestyle Medicine

  • Michelle Turner from Sheffield Hallam University, Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre, and member of the International Society for Lifestyle Medicine, will be presenting on physical activity for the management and prevention of long-term conditions

  • Angeline Hennessy-Thompson will be presenting on Unlocking a personalised prescription in IPT.

View the IPT UK programme

Book your IPT UK tickets online.

For more information, please visit the IPT UK website or contact fiona.rose@iptuk.net

I​​​​PT Practitioner Refresher Training (2025)

This event is suitable for trainees who are looking for top up training, for practitioners who wish to refresh their IPT skills and for IPT Practitioners and Supervisors who are looking for CPD hours. This is also suitable for those who have let their accreditation lapse and wish to renew.

  • Location: Online
  • Date: Tuesday 14th & Wednesday 15th January 2025
  • Time: 9:15 am - 4 pm
  • Fees: £150 for 2 days or £100 for 1 day

Booking form - I​​​​PT Practitioner Refresher Training 

Tuesday 14th January 2025


  • Revision - What are the IPT strategies?

  • Break out and group exercises

  • General competencies re-visited

  • Linking Depression to the interpersonal context

  • Structuring the sessions

  • Common difficulties in treatment and how to improve competencies

  • Listening and rating an early phase session from a student 


Wednesday 15th January 2025


  • Formulation – revisited

  • Skills practice – supervisee, supervisor and observer exercise – referencing the Therapy Record

  • How to facilitate greater emotional affect

  • IPT Depression and the Body    

  • Afternoon

  • Listening and rating session 4 formulation, goal setting and contracting 


I​​​​PT Supervisor Refresher Training (2025)

This training is suitable for supervisor trainees who are looking for top-up training, or for supervisors who wish to refresh their IPT skills. This is also suitable for those who have let their accreditation lapse and wish to renew. Trainees can attend any day. CPD certificates will be issued on attendance.

  • Location: Online
  • Date: Monday 10th February, Monday 10th March and Tuesday 8th April 2025
  • Time: 9:15 am - 4 pm
  • Fees: £150 for 2 days or £100 for 1 day

Booking form - IPT Supervisor Refresher Training

Monday 10th February 2025


  • Case work 5 & 6 to date? Are we on track?

  • Describe your experiences of being supervised as a trainee.

  • Supervision exercise and triad work - see Appendix 6 from your handbooks.

  • Skills practice – rating student work, using audio clippings.

  • Task for trainees

  • Supervisor Progress Report – interim

  • How are we getting on with the Reflective Therapy Record?

  • Applications and evidence base in IPT.   

  • Listen and rate a Dispute case – provided by a student.


Monday 10th March 2025


  • How are we getting on with Cases 5 and 6.

  • The role of supervision.

  • Models of supervision.

  • A Cyclical Model – 5 stage model.

  • Guidelines for structuring IPT supervision

  • Common issues in IPT supervision

  • Peer supervision work – rating audio recordings

  • Listen and rate Sensitivity work


Tuesday 8th April 2025


  • Casework to date and feedback

  • Endings in IPT

  • Supervision competencies

  • Rating a trainee supervisor’s work and listening to clippings – group exercise

  • Appendix 6 – see your handbooks.

  • Completing Form 10

  • Completing the Supervision Progress Form with your supervisor

  • Working in your pairs with cases 5 and 6

  • Listen and rate an end phase session.



Refresher Courses


  • Supportive, dynamic and collaborative  
  • The trainers and the balance of activities, e.g group work, PowerPoint
  • listening/watching tapes of sessions


  • Very well organised, relevant topics covered, excellent delivery and opportunities to participate throughout
  • Very knowledgeable and accessible 
  • Excellent, from admin communication to what was covered on the day. The facilitators were very knowledgeable and invited contributions throughout the session. 

Educational/CPD Event Testimonials

  • Really interesting and helps that the presenter is passionate about the area and provided references for books and papers 
  • Chatroom discussions were thought-provoking. Also, plenty of opportunities to share thoughts, ideas, and reflections throughout the presentation.
  • Marie is passionate about this subject area, and lots of interesting research papers are shared. Lovely to meet with other IPT practitioners even if remotely. This training helpfully encouraged me to consider how to focus more on how depression shows up in the body when completing a symptom review and in general when practicing IPT. Also liked the idea of encouraging the patient to become an expert, and taking responsibility for their recovery by engaging in activities for the body. 
  • I enjoyed the discussions around how we work with depression and it was interesting to hear about the new research that is happening. 
  • Well presented by Heather. She had good knowledge of the topic and she opened the discussion to the delegates to encourage further sharing and expertise.
  • Excellent overall - Appropriate level of attention to key aspects of a very comprehensive topic, supported by references and the presenter's clear knowledge of the subject matter. Good pace and level of input - left wanting more...
  • Comprehensive overview of a broad topic. The presenter was engaging and clearly passionate about the topic. A good mix of refreshing prior/core IPT strategies and building upon these. 
  • Nicely facilitated - warm, genuine facilitator interested in hearing the views of participants.  Very relevant topics for IPT practice.  Thought-provoking.  


IPT Refresher & Educational Network CPD Training Contact Details

Phone numbers, fax and email


IPT West Midlands,
Linden Suite, Redwoods Centre, Somerby Drive ,