Choice and Medication

Medicines management: Everybody's business

A Department of Health publication which aims to empower service users and carers to ask relevant questions about medication and have their views taken into account and to help health and social care practitioners improve their person-centred approach in the area of medicines management.

The Royal College of Psychiatrist's website

Readable, user-friendly and evidence-based information on various mental health problems, treatments and other topics, regularly updated by psychiatric experts.


HeadMeds gives young people in England general information about medication.

Medicines in Pregnancy

Information about medicines in pregnancy.

Understanding Your Medicines

Information on the NHS website.


Patient Handbook on Clozaril

Helping to Make Medicines Safer

The Yellow Card Scheme, run by the MHRA and the Commission on Human Medicines, is used to collect information from both health professionals and the general public on suspected side effects.

Off Label / Unlicensed Medication

Easy Read Information

Information on medicines in easy read and audio recordings

Medication for Children

Information for families with regards to children's medication.