Patient Experience is what receiving care feels like for our patients, carers, and families. A patient's experience starts from their first contact with our services right through to their last, which in some cases may be years after their first appointment or treatment.

Patient Experience is a key element in measuring quality and care, ensuring that anyone who uses our service feels listened too and that their feedback and voice are truly ‘heard’. The Trust currently receives patient feedback via a number of surveys including the Friends and Family Test, which provides us with valuable feedback.

Patient Experience stories expand on our feedback by listening to, and learning directly from, the patients, carers, and families who access our Trust's services. This type of personal and narrative feedback allows the Trust to highlight examples of the excellent care across our teams, as well as identifying areas where we may need to improve the quality of services to transform the patient and carer experience.

Patient stories can be positive, negative, or a combination of both, and by listening to patient stories we capture the everyday experiences of the very people who use our services across the Trust.

We then share that learning about what was good and what needs to be improved with the relevant services and teams to implement any improvements identified.

Sharing Patient Stories

Unlike patient surveys, patient stories can be collected in a number of different ways, including telephone, face-to-face meetings, or online. Speaking directly with patients it provides us the opportunity to ask for more information and to have a direct conversation about their experience.

As a patient experience story captures individual experiences directly from a patient's point of view, they help us to understand their experience more narratively, enabling us to focus on what matters most to our patients, carers, and families.

Patient stories can be shared in a number of different ways where the patient gives appropriate consent:

  • directly with clinical teams and services
  • Trust Board / Council of Governors
  • quotations used in news articles
  • photographs or video
  • training for staff
  • our website
  • celebration events


How to share your experience

To share your experience of using any service within MPFT you can contact us:

You will be asked to sign a consent form beforehand to agree where your story can be shared. You can also choose to provide your feedback anonymously and withdraw your consent at any stage of the process for any reason.

Once you are happy to tell your story, a member of our staff will arrange to meet you at a mutually convenient date and time to listen to your experience.

Patient stories can also be captured on video, which can provide a engaging and powerful way to share your patient experience. If you are happy to share your experience on video, our experience team can provide information on how the video will be used.

Patient Experience Contact Details

Phone numbers, fax and email