Dislocation is an injury that happens when the bones of a joint are forced out of place. This injury can be very painful and can temporarily deform and immobilize the joint. A joint can be partially or fully dislocated. Due to the force required to dislocate, the bones involved may also fracture. The most common locations for a dislocation are shoulders and fingers, but can also occur in elbows, knees and hips.
A dislocation is often caused by:
- Extreme force, such as a trauma (car accident or fall)
- A blow during contact sports or ball sports
- The weakening of muscles and tendons.
You are at greater risk of Dislocation if the stability of the joint is compromised, such as:
- Following a joint replacement
- You have conditions such as Elhers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) or hypermobility
- You have previously dislocated the joint
Signs and symptoms of a dislocation include:
- The joint is visibly deformed or out of place
- Pain and loss of movement at the joint, which increases the longer the joint is out of position
- Numbness or tingling at the joint or surrounding area
- Swollen or discoloured in the surrounding area
A dislocated joint is an emergency. If you have one, seek immediate medical attention. The longer a joint is out of place, the more painful it becomes and the harder it is to correct.
If after dislocation, the joint corrects itself, it is still advised to seek medical attention to ensure there is no damage which may cause long term issues with the area.