Our service offers schools virtual sessions on:
- Asthma
- Anaphylaxis
- Epilepsy
- Emergency Rescue Medication (Buccal Midazolam) - (this is for named staff required to administer seizure rescue medication in school, if there are no dates advertised please email the training team directly for this training)
Each topic is delivered individually in hourly sessions; the sessions aim to:
- Increase staff awareness of the topic covered
- Provide an overview of the needs required for a child in school with these medical conditions
- Raise awareness of how staff can effectively support pupils within the school setting
Bookings are made from our MS Teams Event Page, ideally attendees should register individually to receive the joining link which will be sent shortly after registration and you will also get a reminder on the day of the event. The session event should appear in your outlook calendar.
However we do understand that sometimes it is more convenient to share a screen in the school environment. Staff are welcome to share a screen or device to view the training however we request to be given the names of staff that are sharing to ensure our registers are correct. Please let us know all staff names via e-mail on our team email address FHWS.trainingenquiries@mpft.nhs.uk or place the names into the chat during the session.
Please join the meeting 5-10 minutes before the session start time by clicking on the joining link sent via e-mail. Late attendees will not be admitted due to the disruption this causes to the other attendees.
By inputting your email address into MS Teams, you are giving us permission to contact you about the training course that you are enrolling on to. The Training Team do not take responsibility for any incorrect email addresses entered into MS Teams nor the certificate form. Based on this information, please ensure that all contact information is correct before submitting your details.
During this session we will be discussing the following:
- What is Asthma? - Signs and symptoms.
- Awareness around the potential seriousness of Asthma and Asthma triggers.
- How to recognise and manage a severe Asthma Attack.
- Management of exercise, activity and Asthma.
- Supporting and treating pupils with Asthma symptoms, including medication and spacer devices.
- The emergency inhaler.
- Where to find further information.
Select the date and time to check availability and to book your place:
- Asthma Awareness Training - Monday 2nd September - 11:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Tuesday 3rd September - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 5th September - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 5th September - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Monday 9th September - 16:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Tuesday 10th September - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Tuesday 10th September - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Wednesday 11th September - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 12th September - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 12th September - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Monday 16th September - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Tuesday 17th September – 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Tuesday 17th September – 15:45
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 19th September - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Monday 23rd September - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Monday 23rd September - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Tuesday 24th September - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 26th September - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 26th September - 15:30
- Asthma Awareness Training - Monday 30th September - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Tuesday 1st October - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Wednesday 2nd October - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 3rd October - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 3rd October - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Monday 7th October - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Monday 7th October - 16:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Tuesday 8th October - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Wednesday 9th October - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 10th October - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Monday 14th October - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Tuesday 15th October – 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Tuesday 15th October – 15:45
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 17th October - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 17th October - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Monday 21st October – 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Tuesday 22nd October - 12:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Wednesday 23rd October - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 24th October - 10:00
- Asthma Awareness Training - Thursday 24th October - 15:30
During the session we will be discussing the following:
- What is Anaphylaxis?
- Recognising the signs and symptoms of Anaphylaxis.
- Understand how to manage an emergency situation.
- Observe auto-injector use. How to obtain a trainer pen.
- Discuss how severe allergies can be supported in school including care plans, storage of medicines and off-site visits.
- Further information available.
Select the date and time to check availability and to book your place:
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Monday 2nd September - 14:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Tuesday 3rd September - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Wednesday 4th September - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 5th September - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 5th September - 15:30
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Monday 9th September - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Tuesday 10th September - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Tuesday 10th September - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 12th September - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 12th September - 15:30
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Monday 16th September - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Monday 16th September - 16:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Tuesday 17th September – 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Wednesday 18th September - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 19th September - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Friday 20th September - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Monday 23rd September - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Tuesday 24th September - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Tuesday 24th September - 15:45
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Wednesday 25th September - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 26th September - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 26th September - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Monday 30th September - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Tuesday 1st October - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Tuesday 1st October - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 3rd October - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 3rd October - 15:30
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Monday 7th October - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Tuesday 8th October - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Tuesday 8th October - 15:45
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 10th October - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 10th October - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Monday 14th October - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Monday 14th October - 16:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Tuesday 15th October – 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 17th October - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 17th October - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Monday 21st October – 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Tuesday 22nd October - 10:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Tuesday 22nd October - 15:45
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Wednesday 23rd October - 12:00
- Anaphylaxis Awareness Training - Thursday 24th October - 12:00
During this session we will be discussing the following:
- The definition of epilepsy.
- Types of seizures and seizure management/supporting pupils in school with the condition.
- Signs and symptoms of epilepsy.
- Treatments of epilepsy.
- Where to find further information.
Select the date and time to check availability and to book your place:
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Wednesday 4th September - 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Thursday 5th September - 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Monday 9th September - 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Monday 9th September - 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Tuesday 10th September - 15:45
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Wednesday 11th September - 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Thursday 12th September - 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Monday 16th September - 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Tuesday 17th September – 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Tuesday 17th September – 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Thursday 19th September - 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Thursday 19th September - 15:30
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Friday 20th September - 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Monday 23rd September - 16:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Tuesday 24th September - 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Tuesday 24th September - 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Wednesday 25th September - 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Thursday 26th September - 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Monday 30th September - 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Tuesday 1st October - 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Tuesday 1st October - 15:45
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Wednesday 2nd October - 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Thursday 3rd October - 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Monday 7th October - 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Tuesday 8th October - 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Tuesday 8th October - 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Wednesday 9th October - 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Thursday 10th October - 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Thursday 10th October - 15:30
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Monday 14th October - 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Tuesday 15th October – 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Tuesday 15th October – 12:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Wednesday 16th October – 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Thursday 17th October - 15:30
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Monday 21st October – 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Monday 21st October – 16:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Tuesday 22nd October - 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Thursday 24th October - 10:00
- Epilepsy Awareness Training - Thursday 24th October - 12:00
Buccal midazolam training is for those who are the named person to administer the medication on a child's care plan.
Please complete the epilepsy session prior to buccal midazolam so that you have an understanding of the condition.
The topic will be delivered within a 45 minute session.
The session aims to:
- increase staff awareness of the topic covered
- to provide an overview of the needs required for a child in school with these medical conditions
- to raise awareness of how staff can effectively support pupils within the school setting
- understand what buccal midazolam is
- address practical concerns
- demonstrate how to administer the medication
- explore when to call the emergency services
Select the date and time to check availability and to book your place:
References and further information following the sessions can be found in the below links:
For further information email: FHWS.trainingenquiries@mpft.nhs.uk