What is EPS?

EPS stands for Electronic Prescription Service, and is a way for your health professional to create a prescription and order medication, without using the green and white paper form that you will previously have used.

How does it work?

Your health professional will create your prescription on their computer, and ask you where you would like to collect it from. They'll send it securely to the pharmacy, who will receive it and prepare your medication ready for you to pick up.

Why are we using EPS?

At MPFT we are always looking for ways to improve our service, and this allows us to keep your data more secure, be more sustainable, and save time for our clinicians which can be better spent caring for patients. 

Is my data secure?

Yes, EPS has been developed by MPFT so your data won't be shared outside of the organisation and is very secure. 

Our Trust Privacy Notice covers the use of all health data.