National Smile Month: 16 May to 16 June 2022

Smile Month 2022National Smile Month is a charity campaign all about championing the benefits of having good oral health and promoting the value of a healthy smile.

Between 16 May and 16 June, the Oral Health Foundation will be raising awareness of important health issues and ready to put a smile on everybody's face.

Maintaining a healthy smile can be simple but for so many this can be very difficult. Despite the many improvements in oral health over the last 40 years, inequalities continue to be a burden for countless individuals. By supporting National Smile Month, you will be able to help us reach groups where oral disease is far too common.

National Smile Month is your chance to reach people in the heart of your community. Help others achieve better oral health by sharing important oral health messages.

During National Smile Month, we are promoting four key messages for better oral health:

  1. Brush teeth for two minutes, last thing at night and one other time during the day, with a fluoride toothpaste.
  2. Clean between your teeth every day.
  3. Cut down how much and how often you have sugary foods and drinks.
  4. Visit a dentist regularly.

No matter how you decide to support the campaign, please make sure you help us communicate these important messages.

Look out for #SmileMonth on social media.

Stop Smoking

There's never been a better time to quit. Search Smokefree for free advice and support on quitting smoking. Because there's only one you. Pictured: Crumpled up cigarette packetThere's a free local Stop Smoking Service near you. With their help, you're 3 times more likely to quit successfully.

NHS Better Health - Find your local Stop Smoking Service.

Dental Services Contact Details

Services are provided in a variety of location across Staffordshire. All premises are easily accessible.


Hanley Health Centre,
Upper Huntbach Street,