Trust Shortlisted for NHS Sustainability Award page thumbnail

MPFT is delighted to have been shortlisted for an NHS Sustainability Award.

These awards showcase organisations who have striven to implement change whilst demonstrating engagement with staff and the public. 

The projects shortlisted demonstrate the achievements and progress being made across healthcare to tackle carbon reduction, implement sustainable practices and improve the health of a nation.

The Trust has been recognised in the staff engagement category for showing staff have improved their awareness of environmental matters and made real and sustainable changes in their behaviour.

Initiatives across the Trust have included ‘bring your own water bottle’ notices; bespoke MPFT water bottles and reusable bamboo cups; creating a cohort of Sustainability Champions; engagement in projects around recycling plastic bottle lids, glitter Christmas cards and plastic stirrers; and the creation of a cohort of Sustainability Champions.

Monika Hornakova, Energy Manager said, “I am so pleased our efforts are being recognised.  Staff across the organisation are really engaged with the sustainability agenda and are working hard to implement small changes which can have a big impact.  Through everyone’s efforts we have achieved a lot at little or no financial cost”.

The award winners will be announced at a virtual event on Sustainability Day – 19 March 2020 with organisers taking seriously the impact that both the campaign and awards have on the environment and feeling that a physical ceremony is unjust given the current climate emergency.